Training for preschools & schools

In-person or live Zoom training for teachers & administrators in elementary schools, preschool and child care programs. WA state STARS approved.
Can’t wait? Self-paced online course available now.
Julietta Skoog Ed.S, MA conducts training for teachers and parent education sessions for preschool programs. Training topics include Positive Discipline, child development, executive functioning, emotional regulation, peer conflict, and more! All classes are experiential, fun, and engaging.
Personalized teacher training or parent education
Classes offered in-person in the United States or live via Zoom anywhere in the world.
Cost for teacher training and parent ed can be split between multiple programs. Email us for more pricing options:
Washington State STARS approved
Julietta Skoog is a WA state STARS approved trainer and provides training to licensed child care providers in Washington State.
Live on Zoom
All experiential
Live on Zoom
All experiential
Program consultation
Class observation
Family support
– Administrator
– Teacher
– Frank R., Teacher
– Parent
Workshop topics
Topics for teachers, administrators, and parents. Here are examples of some of our
popular workshops, reach out for more info.
Siblings & peer conflict
All siblings fight. Learn how to embrace their conflict using specific techniques that teach long-term social-emotional skills and tackle sibling drama. Regardless of their age, children have the opportunity to learn tools that decrease conflict and increase confidence and assertiveness. These skills support peer interactions and social skills outside the home.
Anxiety & trauma
Does your child struggle with: work avoidance, big emotions, sensitivity, social anxiety, screen addiction withdrawal, specific phobias, perfectionism, falling asleep, independence, separation or COVID related anxiety? You are not alone! Learn signs, myths, and helpful strategies for overcoming anxiety in home and at school. Julietta Skoog brings 20 years of experience as a school psychologist, school counselor, Positive Discipline trainer and parent of three to this experiential, insightful workshop. You will leave with tangible tools to use right away with your child, and a renewed sense of hope for how YOU can help.
Encourage vs. praise
What motivates young children? We cover Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory, Carol Dweck’s growth mindset, and Daniel Pink’s research on motivation through activities that explore the ways of facilitating persistence and intrinsic motivation in children. Shift away from making your student do well, toward helping your student want to do their best. Understand key drivers of intrinsic motivation and how to foster them, including creating a democratic classroom and inviting preschoolers to adhere to classroom expectations based on intrinsic motivation.
Emotional regulation
Learn all about your student’s brain development, mirror neurons and why it matters to offer opportunities to strengthen those neural connections. Learn how to teach emotional regulations skills when big emotions and tantrums erupt. Strategies for strengthening executive functioning, focus, memory, impulse control and empathy for all ages will be included. Take home tools you can use today to effectively deal with challenging behaviors.
Linda Thelin (She, her)
Pre-primary Program Supervisor
Cedar Crest Academy – Bellewood Campus
Becky Krueger – Outreach Coordinator at Hilltop Children’s Center, Seattle
We are here for you
Helping is our jam! With years of experience presenting, consulting and coaching parents and teachers, look no further. Whether it is an inspiring parent education event, teacher training, or a question about a kiddo, we can help. We answer any question, and especially love the tough ones!
Need immediate support?
Private coaching with our Sproutable Leads
Self-paced course
Learn from your phone or computer. Positive Discipline video course.
Free workshop
Free workshops for parents/caregivers of infants to teens.
Julietta Skoog, Ed.S, MA

Julietta is a Certified Positive Discipline Trainer. She has an Ed.S Degree in School Psychology and a Masters Degree in School Counseling from Seattle University with over 20 years experience helping families in schools and homes. She is also the co-founder and early learning expert at Sproutable.
Her expertise includes early child development, autism, learning disabilities, anxiety, and behavior disorders, as well as leading friendship groups and classroom lessons based on Positive Discipline and Social Thinking. Mindfulness is a key foundation in all of her work.
Her popular keynote speeches, classes, and workshops have been described as rejuvenating, motivating, and inspiring. She has learned the most from her own three children.
Positive Discipline
Dr. Jane Nelsen’s Positive Discipline parent education is based on the theories of psychologists Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs. Positive Discipline helps your child feel a sense of significance and belonging through learning important life skills of empowerment, self-reliance and cooperation. This parenting style encourages kindness and firmness at the same time.

Kindness is the way we interact and connect with our children, honoring their dignity and respecting their needs.
Firmness is the way we respect ourselves and the needs of the situation, as well as following through with what we say we are going to do.