Eps 530: Empowering our teenagers with friendship drama

Episode 530

In this episode, I dive into the challenges of supporting teens as they navigate friendships, especially when setting boundaries with friends who aren’t treating them well. A parent shared their struggle with wanting to help but being perceived as distrusting, sparking today’s discussion. I explore reframing the question to focus on how parents can show up supportively and empower their teens without overstepping. Key strategies include active listening, emotional honesty, affirming strengths, and trusting teens to learn through their experiences. It’s about fostering connection and faith in their growth while managing our own discomfort with their struggles. You’ve got this!

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Takeaways from the show

  • Support teens without taking over their experiences or decisions.
  • Focus on listening and validating their feelings and struggles.
  • Reframe the issue: How can I show up supportively?
  • Teens grow by navigating friendships and setting boundaries themselves.
  • Encourage self-reflection and critical thinking in your child.
  • Acknowledge your attachment to their discomfort without intervening unnecessarily.
  • Name and celebrate your teen’s strengths to build confidence.
  • Ask what they need: listening, problem-solving, or advice.
  • Trust your teen’s ability to handle challenges and make decisions.\
  • Stay grounded by managing your reactions and offering emotional honesty.

Joyful courage is CREATING the life you want. Stepping up and in to be/do/have what feels good.

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