Eps 444: Enhancing parent-teen communication as the year ends

Episode 444

Join me this week as we get into how communication is looking with our teens and how to be better at listening and creating opportunities for win/wins. Communication is key for nurturing strong relationships – no doubt there are powerful nuggets to take away from this show!

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Takeaways from the show

  • The importance of understanding and valuing teenagers’ autonomy, capability, and emotional experiences in communication
  • Prioritizing listening and validating teens’ feelings, rather than relying on criticism or advice-giving.
  • Parenting our teens by reflecting on own adolescence leads can lead to deeper connection and healing.
  • What can happen when we reflect on communication with teens, seeking to improve relationships.
  • What is active listening?
  • The importance of preparing for conversations with teens by thinking through talking points and concerns beforehand.
  • How to create win/win solutions with our teens
  • The role of empathy

Today Joyful Courage is choosing, again and again and again, to be kind, to connect, and to let go of emotions that are getting in the way of relationship.

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Casey O'Roarty 00:05
Hello, Welcome back. Welcome to the joyful courage podcast, a place for inspiration and transformation as we work to keep it together. While parenting our tweens and teens. This is real work people. And when we can focus on our own growth and nurturing the connection with our kids, we can move through the turbulence in a way that allows for relationships to remain intact. My name is Casey already, I am your fearless host. I'm a positive discipline trainer, space holder coach and the adolescent lead. It's browseable. Also mama to a 20 year old daughter and a 17 year old son I am walking right beside you on the path of raising our kids with positive discipline and conscious parenting. This show is meant to be a resource to you and I work really hard to keep it really real, transparent and authentic so that you feel seen and supported. Today is a solo show and I'm confident that what I share will be useful to you. Please don't forget sharing truly is caring. If you love today's show, please please pass the link around snap a screenshot posted on your socials or texted to your friends. Together, we can make an even bigger impact on families around the globe. If you're feeling extra special, you can rate and review us over in Apple podcasts. I'm so glad that you're here. Welcome. Welcome, welcome. Enjoy the show.

Casey O'Roarty 01:31
Hey there, listeners. Welcome back to the podcast. I am so happy to be here again, with all of you. I've heard from so many of you through emails and DMS that you really appreciated last week's solo show about emotional intelligence. And I love that it's such a great exploration, isn't it? And couple that with the conversation I had with Chad Lasseter on Monday about family gatherings and hard conversations and intergenerational differences and opinions super powerful, right? super powerful. And again, just to remind you, we are in December as of this recording. And so I'm really taking some time to encourage and guide you through some exploration of the year past where we're at the year ahead, right. And today, we're going to focus on communication, right and bridging the gap in communication that so many of us feel with our teens, right? There's so much that unfolds in the human experience that can really set us up for misunderstanding and disconnection. And that definitely happens in the parent, teen relationship a lot, right? And so like I said, this week, we're going to talk about communication. And we're going to play with a few tools that you're going to kind of consider how you've been using and how you can be ever better at practising in the upcoming New Year. So here is what I hear a lot from parents that I work with. My kid won't talk to me, right? They won't share. They keep secrets. I can't get in there, my teen won't engage. They're fine. If it's an easy conversation, but hard conversations no thank you, or they get really defensive. When we want to talk to them about things like school or screens. I get that big time. It is important to remember that teens often are feeling judged, misunderstood and criticised by the adults in their life. Right. And yeah, it's super uncomfortable to have hard conversations and to talk about where you aren't doing what you're expected to be doing. Right where you're fallen short. It makes sense that teens aren't big fans of these conversations. aren't any of us big fans of this conversation? Do we love having tough conversations and getting feedback from our partners or our bosses or our friends or our colleagues around where we're coming up short? Right? And then we couple it with all those extra words that parents and adults tend to use to make sure we're getting our point across, right or to fill in the silence when our kids don't respond, right. It's no wonder that they shut down, right? They don't want to be a part of this. They don't want to feel like probably they already feel a certain way. They're well aware of where they're coming up short or how they're not meeting your expectation. Shen's and oftentimes well meaning loving parents come into these conversations in a way that leaves teens feeling worse, right? And I get it, because there is this idea that, you know, if we make our teens feel bad enough that that's the motivation to change behaviour. And that is an outdated idea. All right, we're gonna try something different. We're gonna try something different. So, here's what we know about teens, right? They want autonomy, they want to be valued. They want to, like not only feel capable, but to be seen as capable, right? They want you to be curious. They don't want you to continuously give your opinion or advice, right? They want you to listen more and talk less. They want to know that you love and accept who they are, and that you believe that what they're going through is real and valid. So you know, as you think back is you think back and take a really honest look at how you communicate with your team, how you've been communicating with your team, what communication and connection looks like, over the last year, what comes up for you, right? And notice, I said, when you take an honest look, when you're willing to look for the places where maybe things, you know, aren't super useful? Or maybe that's not it, maybe taking a look from a neutral place. Right? How is your curiosity? How is your listening? How does your judgement show up? And notice the conversation that you have with yourself as you do this inventory? Well, I start off being curious. And then that doesn't work. And so yeah, I get frustrated, and I start giving commands and demands. Or I try to listen, but they don't want to talk, right? Or I don't start off judgmental, but then you know, I'm looking at all the things and looking at their messy room, I'm looking at their grades, how do you not be judgmental, right? Be Real, Be honest with yourself, I get all of this, all of these are valid questions. But be in that exploration, and write some things down capture the themes, right? The vibes of the experience of communication with your teens over the last year? And if you're not sure if it's like, well, I don't know, I don't know how I've communicated. Get brave. Find your courage. Go to your team. And ask them what their experience of your communication is. Right? You'll get feedback, you'll get feedback. And when you get that feedback from your teens really receive it. Right? It is a gift. And it might not be your favourite gift, it might, it might hurt a little right, you might notice your defences, your habits coming up, put it to the side, and instead respond to their feedback with things like tell me more. Tell me more about that. Can you give me an example of how I show up that way? How would you rather I do it? Right? How would you rather I show up? What would be more helpful, what would have been more helpful than that? Like deep dive into some communications that you have had. And I think that we get to be really explicit with our kids to we get to say like, Listen, I want to understand myself better, I want to understand you better. And there's this third thing, which is the relationship between the two of us. My agenda is for that to strengthen and feel really good for both of us. Right? And so to do that, I need to collect some information because I know my experience, but I don't want to assume that I know your experience of me. Right? And this is where I need your help. And, you know, I'm not going to be mad, I'm going to work really hard not to get defensive. I want understand how I show up for you. From your perspective. Right? Will you please help me out with this? So you're gathering information? Right? Here's something recently that happened with me and Rowan. So recently, remember Rowan is my 20 year old. So that's where we are. And recently, she requested that I treat her she said, You know, I'm going to be 21 in a month. And I want you to treat me more like an adult and less like your kid. When I turned 21 said, Well, you are my kid, you're always going to be my kid. My child, my offspring. I think that's what I said. So that's a little tricky. And I said can you tell me more and help me see what you mean? Can you give me some examples? In the moment? She was like, I don't know.

Casey O'Roarty 10:04
I don't know, I don't have any examples. And I said, Okay, well, are you willing to let me know? When I do or say something that feels like, I'm not treating you like the young adult that you are? And she agreed to that? She said, Yes. So this is really been on my mind. Right. And I was journaling this morning. And I was thinking about the relationship that I had with my parents when I was 20. I was a junior in college, and I was going through some big individuation for me, individuation happened, when I got to college, I was in a pretty tight contained environment in high school. And it didn't really feel like there was space for me to really explore identity, who I was, I mean, I was pretty agreeable and easygoing, as a teenager, I was getting into plenty of mischief. But as far as like identity, I didn't have really, or maybe it wasn't on my mind. I don't know. Anyway, I went to college, and really explored, just, you know, different ways of thinking to my first Grateful Dead show that opened up this whole world of, you know, music and style, and people. And, you know, I continued to explore through substances and relationships, and I didn't feel like any of what I was, and I was probably, like, knew I was kind of writing some lines and on the edge in some ways, and, and, you know, I didn't really feel like my parents got it, I didn't feel like they valued my experience, I didn't feel like they understood me, I felt very separate and very disconnected and very judged. And I felt like there was a very clear path for worthiness and value, and I was not on it. And you know, whether or not that was true for my parents, this was my experience, right? This is how I experienced that relationship. And myself when I was Rowan's age. And so I didn't let them in, I didn't have deep and meaningful conversations. And when I tried to, I was often dismissed or kind of just laughed at. So I was thinking about this, and what I needed from my parents when I still need from my parents, and I was journaling about it. And I came up with this list. And it sounds kind of similar to what I've already said. But in my list, what I needed as a 20 year olds, was, I needed to know that my parents valued that my experience was real. I needed them to be curious about my life, and my choices. And again, valuing my life, my choices, not judgement, not being told I was wrong. I needed them to trust that I could figure things out, I needed them to celebrate and delight in who I was, even in my, you know, exploration of finding myself, you know, I needed that process to be valued and celebrated. I needed them to allow me to be in my narrative, and to let go of their narrative for me, and I needed to feel like I was worthy. And enough, exactly as I was. This is what I needed as a 20 year old. And I sent this list to Rowan this morning after I was journaling. I sent her a text and just said, you know, I was thinking about last night and doing my own work this morning. And I wonder if this is kind of what you meant, when you requested being treated like an adult. And it turns out that my list hit the nail on the head. Right? She totally resonated with it. And as I continued to explore my journal, I realised that by parenting her the way that I wish I had been parented, at that age, I was actually healing my own inner 20 year old and also creating a really different kind of relationship with my kid. Right? She lets me in I know what's going on in her life. And she feels safe to share a lot. Not everything, that's okay. But a lot. And, you know, it just the whole thing this morning just felt really special. And it doesn't matter if your kid is 20 or 16 or 13 if they're just coming into adolescence as a 12 year old like There's something really valuable with going back thinking about yourself at that age, and thinking about, what did you need from your parents? Right? What did you need, at your child's age, from your parents, to feel valued, to feel loved? To feel, okay, inside of the experience that you are having? Right, let that be a list that you make that guides you into the upcoming year. And it isn't easy. I just want to like, definitely, you know, acknowledge that it isn't easy. Like I created this whole list, I'm going to be this way for a row and and Oh, my God, things come up. She shares things. And I'm like, What the fuck, right? Like, ah, don't do that? And how can I use this list? How can I celebrate her challenges in a way that where she feels not celebrate her challenges, but you know what I mean, like, celebrate her opportunities for growth, which happens as we move through challenges, whether it's challenges with work, or with school, or inside of relationships, those are all opportunities, and we get to watch our kids grow. And I gotta tell you, I am so honoured to witness the growth of my children, and the ways that they are flexing their life skills, right? Their instincts, their intuition, their autonomy, their critical thinking, their self reflection, it's an honour to get to witness this. And it's an honour to be in the relationships that I'm in with my kids, because they're really different than what I experienced. And I'm glad, right? We're emotionally invested in these young people, I get that. And we want what we think is best for them, right? I get that. And we have to watch them, sometimes in really self destructive behaviour. And of course, we get desperate, and knots when judgement, criticism and just too much talking shows up. And in that desperation, we create ever more distance and divide and a gap between ourselves and our kids. So what's working for you, in your relationship with your teen? what's getting in your way? What's the feedback

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