Building Relationship in the Kitchen with Amy Knobler

Episode 33

Amy Knobler is on the podcast! Amy is a personal chef, mama and Positive Discipline Parent Educator from Pasadena, California. In candid conversation, she shares her passion for bringing kids into the kitchen…

Do you love dinner preparation? Are you like me, feeling annoyed and resentful each day when it comes time to create a meal for your family?

Listen in as Amy spins a new perspective around meal prep and how it can be a relationship builder AND a time for life skill development.

From young kids to our teens, the kitchen can be a place for connection… A place where we can all increase our sense of belonging and significance.



Click here to get your own pack of Positive Discipline Parenting Toolcards
Here is a short video with some great inspiration for tweens too!!
Seven Easy Ways to Include Your Kids in the Kitchen by Sarah Remmer
PDF from Amy about content and a kid friendly recipe!

Where to find and follow Amy:
Cook to Connect Facebook Group

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Casey O'Roarty 0:00
Joyful courage, parenting podcast episode 33

I am really excited about today's show, and I think that you all are going to love it. Hi. Welcome back to the podcast. I am your host, Casey o'rourdy, and today I am talking to Amy knobbler, and we're talking about cooking with our kids and being in the kitchen and the fact that every single day people want dinner, which I don't know if that's a big deal for you. Maybe you are a lover of cooking. I envy you. I am not, and maybe I need to shift my mindset around that. Actually, I definitely need to shift my mindset around that, and when I do, I'm generally less irritated and resentful when it comes time to cooking for my family. But anyway, Amy is a professional chef, so she obviously loves cooking. She was raised cooking, and she's raising her daughter in the kitchen as well. And you know, when she came to me to ask about being on the show, I thought, You know what? This is the perfect this is a great fit for the podcast, because, you know, we're all parents looking to build relationship, looking to have healthy, happy families, and part of that is the way that we feed them, and not only the way that we feed them, but the way that we connect with them, right? Gosh, isn't that what I talk about like every week on the podcast, connection and relationship. Well, that transfers over, as you'll hear us talk about in the podcast, that transfers over into how we invite them into the routine of cooking? Do we invite them into the routine of cooking? This is absolutely a place where I could do some work, I could do some internal work around my own mindset, like I said, but also around how I am, or I'm not inviting my kids into the kitchen, because, you know, full honesty, I'm not, I'm not inviting them in, and then I am responding really poorly when they don't want to eat what I cook. So I think that spending some time here is going to help all of those things, right? Spending some time really inviting them in, getting curious about what they want to eat, exploring together tastes and, you know, things that we love, things that we don't love possible entry points around like, what are you willing to try? What might be fun to cook, and the most important thing softening my inner micromanager when it comes time to actually be in the kitchen together, because I know that part of the reason my kids don't want to be in the kitchen is because that is not a safe space for them, and that's on me. So anyway, listen, listen in listen to Amy. She has so much wisdom, and it was such a fun conversation, and I'd love to hear what you're inspired to do with this information. How are you inspired to create an invitation around cooking and around the kitchen? What are you already doing? Will you share that with us? Get into the live and love with joyful courage Facebook group and let us know what works for you around this topic, because there might be things that don't come up in this conversation where you're finding success and that community, that Facebook community, it's all about supporting and celebrating each other. So share your celebrations, share your challenges around this topic, and let's have some good conversations. But for now, listen to my conversation with Amy. All right, let's meet her. You. Amy,

hey there. Amy nobler, welcome to the joyful courage podcast.

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