Eps 260: Nurturing a Growth Mindset with Alexandra Eidens
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My guest today is Alexandra Eidens.
Alexandra is the founder of Big Life Journal, a growth mindset company for children and teens. Alexandra’s company specializes in creating practical tools to help parents and teachers integrate growth mindset into their everyday lives.
Their guided journals are now used by over 500,000 children world wide. When not creating journals, Alexandra is reading the latest research on brain science and the mind-body connection.
Takeaways from the show:
The foundations of Big Life Journal
Nurturing a growth mindset
Personal development in parenting
Growth vs. fixed mindset
Model the human experience to your children
Be process oriented vs. outcome oriented
Teach your children to set learning goals
Rejection is an indication that you are putting yourself out there
How to deliver feedback to your child
Make a habit of learning new things
Embrace struggle and adversity
Compare yourself to yourself only
Engage in deliberate practice
Comfort vs. stretch zone
Model being vulnerable in your own experiences
The best thing you can do as a parent is love your kids unconditionally
Where to find Alexandra:
Ebook | Big Life Journal | FaceBook
What does Joyful Courage mean to you?
It means to be brave, to do whatever you want to do in life. Taking a step into the unknown and creating the life you want to live. The first step would be to understand what kind of life you want to live. I know that it’s not an easy step, but that’s the joy part of it. The courage is actually doing it.
See you next week!!
Parenting for the Brave New World Mini Summit
We are all walking into a new year with baggage – some of it is collective, some of it unique to the individual… . But none of us escaped the radical journey that was 2020.
The Parenting for a Brave New World summit is designed to put you IN CHARGE of creating the world and the life that you want. Yes, there are things that are out of our control, and YES we CAN live in an intentional way and change the experiences we are having.
I have zeroed in on five areas of focus. Five areas that are the most POTENT areas for growth and relationship. And five guests that deliver the tools all parents need to be in the CREATION of the Brave New World that includes us all:
Navigating the changing and challenging school model
Adolescent mental health in times of uncertainty
Raising the social justice advocates we need
Modeling and embracing financial literacy during difficult times
Tending to our parenting soul
This summit went live February 1st, but don’t worry, you can still sign up!!
I am also offering a NEW feature to the summit, a VIP offer. VIP’s get a swag bag (while supplies last & U.S only), a summit workbook, and post summit live classes with the speakers. Your summit VIP pass will get you access to useful tools to support your learning and opportunities to interact with the expert guests.
Head over to joyfulcourage.com/bnw to find out more.
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Joyful Courage is so much more than a podcast! I know that you love listening in every week AND I want to encourage you to dig deeper into the learning with me, INVEST in you parenting journey.
CONSIDER ONE ON ONE COACHING – The most POWERFUL of investments offered by Joyful Courage, one on one coaching allows for parents to really tease apart the current issues they are having with their child, while also developing a clear compass for guiding them in the direction they want to be going in. Coaching happens every other week, and is open for parents with kids 4 years old through the teen years. Go to my coaching page to book a free exploratory call and see if we are the right fit. → besproutable.com/parent-coaching
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