Dr. Monica Holliday discusses how to talk about the violence in the world with our kids

Episode 19

There are a few things that are tough to talk about with our kids.  One of the toughest, I think, is talking about the violent things that happen in the world…

My guest today on the podcast is Dr. Monica Holliday Sherman.  Monica is a psychotherapist in private practice in Chicago, and she completed her doctorate in clinical psychology at The Adler School of Professional Psychology, with a concentration in childhood and adolescence.

She is a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, and she regularly facilitates parenting classes in the Chicago community. You can find her on Psychology Today here.  

She is also my friend, and someone I trust to speak to this topic from a very thoughtful, experienced place…

As tough as this conversation is, it is important for parents to be talking to their kids about the state of the world. AND, as a community of parents, it is equally as important to get support from each other about how to best support our kids.

My hope is that this show does just that.

You can find Monica at www.windycitypsychology.com.

Resources mentioned in the interview:

Video of father reassuring his young son that France is their home.
Purple Wagon – “A site for people interested in parents and children, and their explorations and discussions around war, terrorism and peacemaking.” Loads of resources for parents here.
Helping Children Feel Safe in an Unsafe World by Eileen Kennedy-Moore, PhD

Other resources:

Talking With Children About Disaster also by Eileen Kennedy-Moore, PhD
Talking with Children About Tragic News Stories by Ariadne Brill of Positive Parenting Connection
Terrorism and children:Tough Conversations that Matter by Marilyn Price-Mitchell, PhD or Roots of Action
Explaining Terror to Kids is a NY Times article that covers a French newspaper for kids and how they are engaging in real conversations with kids about the attacks

And more suggestions from Monica:

Books are my go-to when I’m wanting to extend any of these “big” topics into ongoing conversations with my kids. Here are a few to read WITH your kids, relevant to what’s going on in the world today:

Finding heroes amidst terrorism.

I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai (there is also a Young Reader’s edition)

Multicultural competency.

The Cow of No Color: Riddle Stories and Justice Tales from around the WorldNina Jaffee

Explaining refugees. 

Sometimes it helps to look to history for examples — one of the most written about examples of children fleeing war zones is the Operation Pied Piper of 1939, when children were evacuated from London during WWII. The beloved Paddington character is even based upon these events. 

The Sky Is FallingKit Pearson
Visitors from London, Kitty Barne (out of print)
Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe and Bedknobs and Broomsticks are both storylines based on children having to evacuate. 
–If your kids are American Girl fans, the book Happy Birthday, Molly!  incorporates a story of a British refugee coming to live with the family after being traumatized by living through bombing raids.  

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Casey O'Roarty 0:00
Joy, joyful, courage, parenting podcast episode 19.

Hey. Listeners, welcome back to the podcast. I'm so glad that you're here, and I want to give a special shout out to all of you that subscribed in the last week, I think I had a jump in subscriberships, which is exciting, especially with the subscribe a thon contest coming up in a couple days this next weekend. So yay, you. Thank you. I am honored that you enjoy the podcast enough to subscribe and that you're excited about the bribes that I put out to get you to subscribe. So good job. So today I am talking with my friend and colleague, Monica Holliday. Sherman, Dr Holliday, she is a psychotherapist out of Chicago, and her specialty is working with young clients and their families. So she's had experience working in a bunch of different settings. She also is a positive discipline parent educator, and her youngest daughter goes to a French American School in Chicago. And the reason that I reached out to Monica is because I, like all of you, was really rocked by the news from about a week and a half ago about the terrorist attacks in Paris. I had a sister who had just flown in there that morning, and she was on my mind. I have friends who live in Paris, and just the shockwave hit, and after I kind of, you know, came to a place of weird acceptance, I thought, What am I going to tell my kids? Am I going to tell my kids? What's appropriate to tell my kids? And I just knew in my gut that it was going to be something that I wanted to talk about on the podcast, because there are a few amazing articles out there, which I'm going to post in the show notes, that are helpful. I think that there's a special layer of helpfulness and integration that happens when you hear two people in discussion about a topic like this, and with Monica's ties to the French American school there in Chicago, I thought, You know what? I bet she would be a great person to talk about this topic with. So without further ado, let's meet Monica. Hi, Dr Holliday, welcome to the podcast.

Dr. Monica Holliday Sherman 2:58
Hi, thanks for having me. Will

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