Eps 187: Solo show about the law of attraction and parenting

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So much excitement – we got out house, kids are on board, book is getting attention, work is good….  Having the experience of seeing all that is abundant in my life has got me to thinking about how I have in the past seen abundance in the lives of others and thought “that will never be me” “I can’t do that” blah blah blah – and I’ve realized that in changing the story, I have changed what has unfolded in my life….. Its amazing.


Our story keeps us where we are


Listening to a lot of law of attraction – familiar?



IF not, let me read what it is from the lawofattraction.com – Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe, including the Law of Attraction. It is the Law of Attraction which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things eventually. If you focus on negative doom and gloom you will remain under that cloud. If you focus on positive thoughts and have goals that you aim to achieve you will find a way to achieve them with massive action.


We live our stories, we tell the stories we live, we live the story, we tell the story….  Sometimes that can keep us stuck. It isn’t the “stuck” that is bad, it is whether or not we WANT to be stuck where we are that we get to be aware of….


For example – When the life you are experiencing feels really hard and you see your kids as out of control….  And you talk about it with your partner and maybe your friends, and then you experience more of it, and you share with your mom or your therapist, and then there it is again, the hard, the heavy, someone asks you how you are, you give a big sigh and you respond with “I’m ok, things are hard” and the cycle continues to spin over and over and over.


Where is there space for something new? Where is there room to BELIEVE that there is another possibility?? That is where you are. You are resigned. Done and done.


A contrasting picture is one where things are going really well….  Kids are thriving, relationship is good, business is booming, there are so many possibilities opening up for you, and you talk about it with your partner and maybe your friends, and then you experience more of it, and you share with your mom or your therapist, and then there it is again, the trust, the excitement, someone asks you how you are, you give a big smile and you respond with “I’m amazing, things are so good” and the cycle continues to spin over and over and over.


This space feels expansive, it feels like there is an expectancy of more goodness, you believe in possibility, you are open and hopeful.



We get to stay in our lane.




Joyful Courage: Calming the drama and taking control of your parenting journey


This book is all about how to show up as a Joyful Courage parent so that you have better access to the tools you need in hot parenting moments – tools that are helpful and maintain connection with your child.


Presale is OPEN– as many of you as possible buying presale would be FABULOUS.  Go to www.joyfulcourage.com/book


Official launch date is May 20th – OMG – so so exciting!!!


The best way to stay up to date on the book news is to join my newsletter list, if you haven’t already.  Sign up at www.https://besproutable.us13.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=5e11377e68a482c341b78ff6d&id=d25c237449


Thank you to everyone that has been so encouraging on this journey!!!  I appreciate you and we are ALMOST THERE!!!!




Authentic Parenting Conference

Anna Seewald, host of the Authentic Parenting Podcast, and parent coach, has put together a steller day of learning and growing together in New Brunswick, NJ. I am so excited about it that I decided that I WANTED TO GO TOO!!


I am going to be there, Dr. Laura Markham will be delivering a keynote (ah-maze-ing), and the whole thing just looks like super soul care on fire.


If you are interested, click here https://authenticparenting.com/conference and use the discount code JOYFUL25 for $25 off the registration fee!!


Come play with me!!



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Classes & coaching

I know that you love listening every week AND I want to encourage you to dig deeper into the learning with me, INVEST in your parenting journey. Casey O'Roarty, the Joyful Courage podcast host, offers classes and private coaching. See our current offerings.


Casey O'Roarty 0:04
Hey, what is up podcast, listeners, I am so glad that you have found yourself at the joyful courage podcast. This is a place where we celebrate real and raw conversations about raising kids with conscious parenting and positive discipline. I'm your host. Casey o'rourdy, I'm a facilitator. I'm a parent coach. Most importantly, I am a mom of two teenagers, and I am walking the path of more mindful, intentional parenting right alongside of you. Please know that this podcast is created for you. I create it for you and for our community. And if you love it, feel free to share it with all of your family and friends over social media. Let's spread the word. Let's get as many people as possible listening to this show. Please write a review on Apple's podcast, formerly known as iTunes, and join the Patreon community, where parents, just like you are contributing just a small little amount each month to the show and enjoying perks like monthly webinars and community conversations about the content you hear on this podcast. Check the show notes for links and more details on all of that. I am so, so grateful that you are here and now enjoy the show. Hey, podcast listeners, welcome. Welcome to Episode 187 solo show you get me this week, just me and it's crazy to say Episode 187 I've been doing this for four years. You guys, four years of podcasting. It's been so great, so wonderful. I love to think of all of you that have been listening since the beginning. I love thinking about all of you that are just starting to tune in and super excited. I recently found a new podcast that I love, and they've got so many episodes, and I just love that feeling of oh my gosh, so much to listen to. So yeah, and it's been really cool because the book launch has me on other people's podcasts. So as you know, and I mentioned, I was interviewed by Debbie Reber from tilt parenting. I was featured on Anna sewald show, the authentic parenting podcast the other day, yesterday, I think it was I got to be interviewed by the host of the mindful mama podcast, and I have interviews booked with spond. I don't know if you listen to that show, but it's just another great podcast that focuses on the mom experience. So it's pretty rad. It's so much fun to be in the other seat and to get to be interviewed. I am having the best time. And if you know of shows that you would love for me to be a guest on, reach out to those shows. Let them know about me, or reach out to me and say you should check out this show or that show, because that's cool and it generates energy. And you know, I might not know of someone and you might have a connection. So yeah, I am totally up for your help, especially with the launch of the book. So this podcast is coming out a week before the official book launch. The official book launch is may 20. That is when you for those of you that have pre ordered, love you. For those of you that have pre ordered, you will be getting your book by mail after May 20. For those of you that are waiting to order after the official launch that is coming May 20, it's so soon, I would encourage you to pre order, though, because with your pre order, you also get a companion guide to the book. And the reason that I created a companion guide. One was to give you an incentive to buy during the pre launch. Let's just keep it real. But also, I know how it is to read a book and get really excited about what I'm reading and then finish and put it down, and then carry on with life as normal. I. So the companion guide is really designed to support you in taking what you're reading and really teasing apart how you can apply it in your life, what it looks like in your family system. And I don't know if you know this, but the book that I wrote for you is not very long. I mean, it's a pretty short read, and it's quite narrative, and it's easy, it's like easy to consume, which I mean, as busy parents, we don't always have the time or the bandwidth to get through a really technical, 250 page parenting book, right? It's just and if we can't get through it, if we can't sit down and read it, then it's not very useful. So my goal was, yes, useful, practical tools. It's really just one tool that I highlight most, but that practical tool that is going to make a big impact on your life. So you want the book, all right? You want it, go check it out. You can find out more at www dot joyful courage.com/book, so now I'm finished with the commercial part of the program, and I'm so excited to jump in with content. So if you are on my newsletter list, then you were tipped off last week. Well, a couple weeks ago, I was in there mentioning that we put an offer on a new house. I think I've mentioned it on the podcast. I definitely talked about it during the teen Summit. But our family last the end of last summer, our family decided that we were going to be moving and that we were going to take a year and make it happen. And it was really exciting. We were coming off of that really tough year for my daughter and really kind of seeing the community differently and recognizing that we could change our experience. And so my husband and I and Rowan, my son, not so excited about it. Ian, not so excited, but I knew that he would be okay. And we really kind of got behind this idea of changing it up. And so last fall, we put it out there, and we decided this is happening. And you know, to be perfectly transparent and honest, we didn't like have this resource, this bank of cash, to make a big move like what we wanted, which was to move up to Bellingham, Washington and you know, but we decided that we weren't going to worry so much about how. We were just going to put our energy in the yes, it's happening. And we went and saw mortgage broker, and she mapped out what it would take, you know, and I've mentioned on here, it was a few days after going to see the mortgage broker that my husband was invited to do some work in California. We live in Washington, and it was like perfect timing, perfect timing, perfect pay. Granted, you know, he had to work. He's been working out of town since the beginning of January, which has been probably hardest for him. My kids are big, so we really have been pretty we've been okay, right? We missed dad, for sure. Anyway, fast forward to earlier this week. Well, actually, fast forward to a week ago, and we put an offer in on a house in Bellingham, seriously, like our dream house, and we found out on Monday that they accepted our offer. Everyone is on board. Everyone's excited. And it's just this incredible energy building towards this new adventure that we as a family get to go on. And it's so, so exciting. And while there are relationships here, where we live now that will be, you know, tested and

will be hard to let go of. Some of them will be let go of. Some of them will carry on. We are so excited. We are so excited. And even my son, who was the least excited about the whole plan, the beginning, has come to a place of of excitement as well. And then there's this book and joyful courage. Business is really kicking into gear. I started this week with a new group of parents of teenagers, and it's just been amazing, and I'm having this experience my. Having this experience of seeing all the abundance in my life, and it's really got me to thinking about how in the past, I would see abundance in others, other people's lives, and would think, gosh, you know, that could never be me, or I can't do that. Or, gosh, look what they can do never works out for me and and for a long time, was in the story of, you know, there's a ceiling, there's a threshold to what we can create in our life. And I I,

you know, and then we lived into that story, and I've realized that in changing the story, I have changed what has unfolded in my life, and it's amazing. And so what I want to talk about today is really how our story is, where is, what keeps us where we're at, and this idea that it's the story that we tell about our experience that continues to create our experience. I know it's kind of like what? So I've been listening to a lot of information and content around the law of attraction. Are you familiar with the law of attraction? If you are eye rolling right now, okay, you can eye roll, but this is what I'm going to talk about today. And I'm telling you I'm coming from a place of the Law of Attraction seriously being activated in my life in a way that is blowing my mind. So if you're not familiar with what the law of attraction is, I'm going to read to you from the website, law of attraction.com how they describe what it is. So simply put, the law of attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the universe, including the law of attraction. It is the law of attraction which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things. Eventually, if you focus on negative doom and gloom, you will remain under that cloud. If you focus on positive thoughts and have goals that you aim to achieve, you will find a way to achieve them with massive action. We live our stories. We tell the stories we live. We live the story. We tell the story. Sometimes this can keep us kind of stuck, right? And it isn't the stuck that is bad. It's whether or not we want to be stuck where we are that we get to be aware of all right? So Law of Attraction is really this idea that like attracts like, right? So if your story is about how you know, nothing ever goes right for you, and your kids are a pain in the neck, right? And, and, and when the life you are experiencing feels really hard, and you talk about it with your partner, you talk about it with your friends, everything's really hard, and then you experience more of it. See, life is really hard. It's so hard for me, it's so easy for those other people, and I can't have that I can't have that relationship with my kids, and you share with your mom, or you share with your therapist. And there it is again, the hard and the heavy. And then maybe somebody randomly asks you, Hey, how's it going? And you give a big sigh, and you respond with, you know, I'm okay, but things are kind of hard right now, and this cycle continues to spin over and over. Is it that life is hard that's fueling the conversation? Is it the conversation that's fueling the hard in your life? Chicken before the egg conversation, right? And when we're in this cycle of hard and heavy and blame and victim, and not feeling like we have any influence, right? Where is there space for something new and different to happen? Where is there room to believe that there's another possibility that's where you are you're totally. Just resigned done. I'm never going to have that life that I want. It's always, you know? Well, it's hard with my kids now. Just wait till they become teenagers, then it's really going to suck, right? Are you nodding like, oh yeah, I get it. I get it too, right? I know this cycle I've been in this cycle, a contrasting picture is one where things maybe things are going really well. The kids are thriving. Relationship with your partner is good, or relationship with self is good. Business is good, work is feeling good. There's so many possibilities opening up, and you can see where you can influence things. You know you can take action. You talk about it with your partner, maybe with your friends. You're in excitement, and then you experience more of that, and you share it with your mom or your therapist. And there it is again. And what's showing up is this trust, right? This trust in the unfolding and the possibility and the excitement. And somebody says, Hey, how are you? And you give a huge smile, and you respond with, I am amazing. Things are so good. Things are unfolding for me, and that cycle continues to spin over and over and over, right? In that cycle, things feel spacious. They feel expansive. It feels like there is an expectancy, right, of more goodness, and you believe in the possibility, and you're open and you're hopeful, right? And it's that same cycle where the story is feeding the experience is feeding the story is feeding the experience. So what do you want? Which cycle Do you want to be in? Right which cycle Do you want to be in for? Well, you know, even before I asked that, where are you right now? Where are you right now? And wherever you are when somebody says, Hey, how's it going? What's the story that you tell? What's the most recent story that you told a friend or a family member about how things are going? And can you see how spending the energy in that feeds into the energy of it and creates more of it. Can you see that? And I know, well, I don't know this, but I'm guessing that some of you might be listening and thinking to yourself, Well, yeah, it's easy to have a positive attitude and a positive story when things are going well, and it's harder when things aren't going well and what happens. And this is like, this is the invitation that I'm going to make for to you today, today and this week. What happens when you change the story? Because if you saw yourself in that example of things are hard, my kids are driving me crazy. And, yeah, I talk about it because things are hard, and my kids are driving me crazy, and things continue to be crazy and hard, if you see yourself in that example, in that cycle, I just want to invite you into changing the story. Right? Change the story and just see how that influences the experience that you're having with your kids, with your job. See what opens up when, instead of saying, my kids are driving me crazy, instead saying, Gosh, my kids are stretching into so many new things, and they're kind of uncomfortable with it, and man, isn't it growing me, right? Or, you know, work, you hate your job. Okay? So maybe instead of talking about hating your job, maybe start talking about, it's time for me to find something else to do. I wonder what the next thing's going to be. I'm so excited to find something new, right? And can you see how that that like points you in a different direction. It literally shifts the compass of your life. When you can change the way that you talk about your life, and I think that we know that we're off course, and I love the idea of like, are you in your lane? Like we're in our lane when and we're at our best self, I think when we are feeling and experiencing love. Love and being connected and centered and grounded like to me, that's I'm in my lane and I'm in my best possible self when I'm experiencing love and presence and grounding, right? And so I have a Subaru Crosstrek, and it has some of the bells and whistles that it has. Includes this sensor that when I veer out of my lane, which actually happens more often than you think, turns out, when I veer out of my lane, my car, it makes a dinging sound. It like goes, Beebe, Beebe. Beep

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