Eps 128: Liz Blackwell-Moore is on Breaking Down how to Navigate Adolescence and Drug Use (YIKES!)

Alright – My guest today is Liz Blackwell-Moore. I connected with Liz through my friend, and one of your fave podcast guests, Julietta Skoog from besproutable.com. I am so excited to have Liz on today to talk about an incredibly relevant topic – kids and drugs. GAH. I know. No one really WANTS to talk about this, but we have to.

Liz has been working in the field of substance use since 2000. Her current work involves working with community coalitions and organizations to provide training on prevention strategies as well as technical assistance to translate public health research into practice and implement a restorative trauma-informed approach to addressing public health problems.

So basically, Liz is going to break it all down for us in a way that is helpful.  She lives in Portland, Maine with her wife, two happy kids, and a puppy.


Liz Blackwell-Moore.JPG

  • Liz shares about her early work with people involved with substance abuse and was drawn to exploring prevention work

  • How can we make “systems” (including the family) better for young people, with more support in their lives?

  • What the “risk taking years” feels like, according to Casey

  • Liz shares her moms’ analogy of the two boats

  • Adolescent brain development

    • It’s like a house being build bottom up

    • Built through interactions and the environment kids experience

    • Reward center develops first – ready to go, “volume turned up”

    • Front, logical part of brain not fully developed, and not integrated

    • W/o the desire to try new things, how would they ever leave home??

  • The perception and science of marijuana and adolescence

    • National Academy of Sciences – research on the research

      • Young people using

        • Impacts learning and memory

        • Significant effects on mental health

          • “Regular use” – once every 30 days

          • 2xs more likely to become depressed

          • 3xs more likely to have suicidal thoughts

          • Kids with MH issues are more likely to use/self-medicate

        • Initially make people feel calm/relaxed

          • Brain likes to do what’s easy so eventually wants more

        • What about vaping

          • Tobacco companies are SO LAME – trying to suck in kids

          • Some kids just the flavoring

            • Not regulated – we don’t know what is in it

          • Lots of kids ARE putting nicotine and weed into the vape

        • All drugs impact the reward center of the brain – putting young people at a greater risk of addiction later in life

          • Rewires/primes the brain for addiction

        • How do we get them to wait????

        • Relationship is the most powerful tool we have… Share our values… AND – THEY HAVE CRAZY REWARD CENTERS!!! GAH!!!

          • Be present, listen, develop a strong relationship

          • Set clear expectations – bring it up in a variety of ways

          • Continue to bring it back to what their goals are, how might risky behavior get in the way?

          • Help them to “see” the bigger picture

          • Restorative practices: Hold them accountable while offering support

            • What are you getting out of this?

            • What were you thinking?

            • How else can you get thrills?

            • Social connection?

            • Is this a mental health issue?

          • Having these conversations REQUIRES the adults to be in solid relationship with their kids

          • Also, our stuff shows up and gets in the way – fear, rigidity

          • Ok to say, “this is disappointing” “this is hard for me” – they need to know how they are impacting their parents

          • Teens aren’t great with nuance

          • SLEEP MATTERS!!

          • Natural consequences are powerful

          • Boundaries are MESSY

          • How do we balance nurture and structure?? It’s a dance

          • How do we know when it really is a problem?

            • Major changes in physical appearance

            • Personality

            • Participation

            • Peer group changes

            • Public image has changed

          • org – online resources

          • 20-minute guide – helping parents use motivational interviewing 20inuteguide.com

          • Find your people!

          • There is uncertainty and change AND we all have flexible, learning brains – we can be resilient!!

What does Joyful Courage mean to you?

For me it means trying to see those amazing things that are happening as you move through adolescence – having the courage to stick with your values and follow our instincts…


Good reading on the teen brain:
Dan Siegel Brainstorm
Francis Jensen The Teenage Brain

Links for young people:
*This is National Institute of Drug Abuse website for teens

*This is a website out of Colorado for young people specifically about marijuana use

Where to find Liz:

Birchlanestrategies.com (under-construction)
Linked in


Journey to Joy Ecourse

Journey to Joy is a 3-part offer. 

Each Module contains a video, audio and workbook to guide you in doing your work.

You will increase your awareness around the areas you are stuck (you know, the irritation that never seems to go away… the exhaustion, the guilt and shame that shows up so often after you have “dealt with” the challenges your kids bring on a regular basis.

You will spend time exploring new choices, new ways of being…  Inviting in the qualities that are missing.  Love, compassion, self-acceptance and non-judgement…  You will learn how to open up your body and allow these emotions in.

You will create a practice for teaching your body and mind a NEW pattern, making this new way of being more readily available when you need it.

SO EXCITED to share this with you!  Get more info and register at www.joyfulcourage.com/joy


All the goods at www.joyfulcourage.com/yes

Intention Bracelets

Back by popular demand!! The Joyful Courage intention bracelets are back in stock and I am THRILLED to have been able to have had the community vote on the reminders that are on them…. Breathe, Pause, Trust, Surrender, Kindness – what do you need?

Joyful Courage SHIRTS

Women cut tanks and tees are ready for you to BUY NOW!!  Wearable reminders for how you want to show up in the world.


What do you think about the Daily Intention Cards???  These cards are designed to support you in your conscious, intentional parenting practice.


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Classes & coaching

I know that you love listening every week AND I want to encourage you to dig deeper into the learning with me, INVEST in your parenting journey. Casey O'Roarty, the Joyful Courage podcast host, offers classes and private coaching. See our current offerings.


Casey O'Roarty 0:00
Joyful courage parenting Podcast, episode 128, welcome to the joyful courage podcast. My friends, yes, a place to be inspired, informed and hopefully entertained on the parenting journey. I'm your host, Casey awardee, parent coach, positive discipline trainer, and even more importantly, mother to two children, who teach me every single day about how to practice showing up in a way that is helpful, connected and humble, who also point out when I am not showing up that way, when we choose into joyful courage, we are choosing into rejoicing in the opportunities for self growth and discovery that exist on the parenting journey. Yes, I did say rejoicing in those opportunities, and it's work, but so worth it. The path we are searching for is in our practice. Super grateful you're here to practice with me. Thank you so much for being a part of the community. Enjoy the show.

All right. My guest today is Liz Blackwell Moore. I connected with Liz through my friend and one of your favorite podcast guests, Julieta Skoog from besproutable.com I am so excited to have Liz on today to talk about an incredibly relevant topic, kids and drugs. Hooray. I know no one really wants to talk about this, but we're going to and my hope is, as always, is, that it's entertaining and informative and leaves you with some tools to take away. Liz has been working in the field of substance use since 2000 her current work involves working with community coalitions and organizations to provide training on prevention strategies as well as technical assistance to translate public health research into practice and implement a restorative trauma informed approach to addressing public health problems. I'm so glad that you're doing the work that you're doing, Liz and basically she is going to break it all down for us in a way, again, that is helpful. And FYI Liz lives in Portland, Maine with her wife and two happy kids and a puppy. God bless you. Hi, Liz, welcome to the podcast.

Liz Blackwell-Moore 2:29
Hi. Thank you so much for having me.

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