Eps 106: Becoming Calm Responders with Alexandra Hughes

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World traveler, calm seeker, mom coach, multi-lingual speaker, Alexander Hughes, brings us her methods for supporting mamas in the chaos that is parenthood. The trials and tribulations of her own experience in motherhood would eventually fuel the passion of support she gives to other moms navigating the same road.  Alex has created a soft space for mamas feeling out of control to find their rhythm and calm. At her website inneressencecoaching.com one has access to her workshops, authentic words of wisdom and that much needed place to connect with someone who gets it.  With three kids and a handful of international moves Alex knows what it means to feel out of control in the mama chaos – which is why she has turned over every rock to find that much needed calm. We really should just make her wear a cape.


What you will hear in this episode:

  • Alex’s journey into and out of chaos

  • An experience of transitions from a working professional to working mom to stay at home mom and back to working mom

  • Our vision vs. our reality

  • Why finding calm is so important as a mother

  • The importance of mother’s nurturing a relationship with self

  • Identifying patterns and models in current parenting

  • Understanding where patterns and models come from

  • Understanding the internal work necessary to tackle patterns & models

  • How we set ourselves up and why this can ultimately lead to chaos

  • Changing how we see the road – going from linear to cyclical

  • Understanding the cycles through life

  • Awareness of what we model for our kids

  • Access to tools 1) manage stress 2) manage anger 3) creating a life for yourself that are aligned with values and self loving

  • How our words create expectations for the inner child

  • Where courage lies

  • Summary of how Alex helps mamas on the road to calm – #1 Internal Work #2 External Work

  • Self Care – is about “doing stuff that lights you up”

  • Calm responding wisdom & tools


“When you have kids and you’re a stay-at-home mom and you have stay-at-home parents, checking those boxes and feeling that sense of achievement doesn’t always happen”. 6:34

“Models and patterns live deep inside of me based on my own childhood and my own experiences”. 11:16

“Create a new best friend voice that is going to support us in the choices we are going to make”. 12:06

“If we can switch from that and seeing these mistakes, those blowups as opportunities to reconnect with your kid, teach your kid, learn yourself”. 20:28

“It’s your job to love yourself and to practice self care and self love because your children are watching you. AND you are a better everything when you do”. 43:04

What does Joyful Courage mean to you:

“I think that you need to be courageous to be a conscious mom, to practice positive parenting, or to take that journey toward calm responding. It’s about opening yourself up to feelings. It’s about treating those moments as learning opportunities when you do ‘make those mistakes’. When you open yourself up, you need to be courageous to be vulnerable. Once you do that it opens up this space for connection, which without there would be no joy”.

Where to find Alex:



Mother’s Journey to Joyful Courage


I am so so SO happy and excited to get to share ALL the details about this amazing workshop! Registration is now open for my Bellingham, Seattle and Portland events and SPACE IS LIMITED so you are going to want to sign up NOW and reserve your spot.



Coaching with Casey

Are you playing with the idea of one on one coaching? I currently have a few spots available in my schedule and would LOVE to work with you.

Coaching with Casey is a three month commitment. We will explore your vision for parenting and even bigger, how you want to show up for your life. We explore mindset, and how shifts in mindset create big shifts in relationship. And finally, we deep dive into the tools and strategies of Positive Discipline for teaching, modeling and practicing life skills.

Coaching is an investment. If you would like to find out more, and explore the possibility that coaching is a good fit for you, schedule a 20 minute explore call.  Click here and we will schedule our call!


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Classes & coaching

I know that you love listening every week AND I want to encourage you to dig deeper into the learning with me, INVEST in your parenting journey. Casey O'Roarty, the Joyful Courage podcast host, offers classes and private coaching. See our current offerings.


Casey O'Roarty 0:00
Joyful courage parenting podcast episode 106

Hey friends, welcome back to the joyful courage podcast, a place for information and inspiration on the parenting journey. I am your host, Casey o'rourdy, positive discipline trainer and parent coach, as always, I am so grateful that you're listening in be sure to listen after the interview. I have some really special offers and calls to action that I do not want you to miss out on. If you find yourself laughing, taking notes or excited about what you hear on the show today, do me a favor and pay it forward. Share this episode with your friends, families, neighbors, if you are in Facebook groups for your school district or mom's groups, pass it on your sharing is the reason that I'm able to show up for you each week, and I am so deeply honored to do so. My guest today is Alexandra Hughes. Alex is an entrepreneur, transformational mom, coach, writer, mindfulness teacher, eternal life student, mother of three and house manager for five. She is founder of calm, joyful mom.com where her online presence specifically supports busy mothers to get their shit together, navigate the messy and stressy motherhood journey and find calm in their daily chaos. Yay. Her mission is to empower mothers to find their authentic voice and inner strength, facilitating them to create the lives, the lives that are aligned with their values, lives they love. Alex hosts a free five day Stress Less love, more challenge for busy mothers suffering from overwhelm, runs the calm mom project for mothers who lose their cool, just a little too often, for comfort, and I am so excited to introduce her and have her on my show. Hi Alex, welcome to the podcast.

Alexandra Hughes 1:57
Casey. Wow, that's one great bio. You're

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