This course gives you the framework of Positive Discipline, based on the theories of psychologists Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs, and tools from the latest social neuroscience to use when caring for young children (toddlers & preschoolers).
It reminds us to ask:
Am I connecting?
Am I inviting capability?
Am I teaching?
How am I modeling?
What do they need to learn?
It’s the bridge that gets you from the challenges now to the skills they need when they are 25 years old. What does it look like to raise remarkable humans?
We show you how to invite cooperation, build strong relationships and find the joy and humor in everyday moments.
The result? Capable, confident and remarkable kids (and adults).

Videos under 5 mins
Experience what a Positive Discipline ome looks like with real families f(no actors, no PowerPoint, no judgement).

Flexible & Accessible
Learn at your own pace. Available on your computer or mobile phone, so you don’t have to get a babysitter.

Private Coaching Unlimited Q&A
Get all your questions answered by the Sproutable expert team.

Professional portfolio to share with employers outlining your principles and tools to turn behavior challenges into opportunities to learn and grow.
What do I get?
- 10 topics covering the foundation of Positive Discipline
- Videos of real nannies and children
- Examples and tools specific to toddlers and preschoolers
- Downloads with scripts & tools
- A professional portfolio to share with employers
- Monthly live coaching
- Unlimited Q&A
10 hours of certified training
Starting at $75 USD
– Dr. Jane Nelsen, Positive Discipline author
– Danielle T., nanny
– Erin, CEO and Nanny / Spilt Milk Nannies
– Aubrey H., nanny
Seriously, I want this now.
If you love science-backed and non-judgmental tools as much as us, follow the link below to join the Sproutable online learning community. We are here for you!
Sproutable’s Nanny Certification
Online Certification
Positive Discipline for Nannies
Starting at $75 USD
Access for one year
This online course gives you the framework of Positive Discipline, based on the theories of psychologists Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs, and tools from the latest social neuroscience to use when caring for young children, 12 months to 8 years old. Learn to discipline with firmness and kindness, cultivate a sense of belonging and significance through mutual respect and encouragement, and set the foundation for important social and life skills. We show you how to invite cooperation, build strong relationships and find the joy and humor in everyday moments. You will receive a Sproutable certificate to document the completion of the course, along with a portfolio to share with employers that outlines your principles and tools to turn behavior challenges into opportunities to learn and grow.
10 hours of certified training
1. Embracing challenges to teach life skills
2. Calming big emotions
3. Adlerian theory: the belief behind behavior
4. Cracking the code: what their behavior is really saying
5. Teaching children how to think for themselves
6. Discipline styles: kind & firm
7. Making routines fun
8. Teaching intrinsic motivation
9. Empowering children with knowledge and practice
10. Solutions for misbehavior
Are you the employer purchasing for your nanny?
Purchases are transferable! Email us after purchase for direct transfer request a gift certificate to be redeemed at any time. Gift certificates do not expire.
Get on the same page as your caregiver.
Find mutually respectful solutions to challenges together.
Show them that you believe in their professional development.
“We believe in respectful relationships with children and with each other. Every interaction is an opportunity.”
What is Positive Discipline?
We incorporate Dr. Jane Nelsen’s Positive Discipline parent education based on the theories of psychologists Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs. Positive Discipline helps your child feel a sense of significance and belonging through learning important skills of empowerment, self-reliance and cooperation. This parenting style encourages kindness and firmness at the same time.

Sproutable’s online courses are officially licensed Positive Discipline products.
Kindness is the way we interact and connect with our children, honoring their dignity and respecting their needs.
Firmness is the way we respect ourselves and the needs of the situation, as well as following through with what we say we are going to do.