How to Grow Remarkable Kids

Online Positive Discipline parenting courses for toddlers and preschoolers

Purchase now


Experience Positive Discipline homes through videos of real families (no actors!).  Learn how to teach life skills, invite cooperation, build strong relationships and find joy and humor in everyday moments.

The result?

Capable, confident and remarkable kids.

Videos under 5 mins

Experience what a Positive Discipline ome looks like with real families (no actors, no PowerPoint, no judgement).

Flexible & Accessible

Learn at your own pace. Available on your computer or mobile phone, so you don’t have to get a babysitter.

Private Coaching Unlimited Q&A

Get all your questions answered by the Sproutable expert team.


Printable scripts, tools, and action plans to dig deeper when you want.

What do I get?

Premium course

How to grow remarkable kids

11 topics
preschool and toddler versions
videos of real families
private coaching calls
private Facebook group

Starting at $66 USD

Spotlight course

Change your language to change their behavior

4 topics
preschool and toddler versions
videos of real families
email coaching

Starting at $26 USD

Which one is for me?

What is Positive Discipline?

We incorporate Dr. Jane Nelsen’s Positive Discipline parent education based on the theories of psychologists Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs.  Positive Discipline helps your child feel a sense of significance and belonging through learning important skills of empowerment, self-reliance and cooperation.  This parenting style encourages kindness and firmness at the same time.

Sproutable’s online courses are officially licensed Positive Discipline products.

Kindness is the way we interact and connect with our children, honoring their dignity and respecting their needs.

Firmness is the way we respect ourselves and the needs of the situation, as well as following through with what we say we are going to do.

Which parenting class is for me?

Premium course

How to grow remarkable kids

Starting at $66 USD
Access for one year

This premium course is an Introduction to Positive Discipline. You receive 11 topics covering the foundation of Positive Discipline and how these practices are backed by the latest brain and child development science. At the end of this course, you will have a roadmap to support the rest of your parenting journey. With purchase, you will receive both the toddler (15 months – 3 years old) and preschooler version (3 – 8 years old).

  1. Setting your compass: Who do you want your child to be at 25?
  2. Cracking the code: What their behavior is really saying Part 1
  3. Cracking the code: What their behavior is really saying Part 2
  4. Teaching children how to think for themselves
  5. Connected & mutually respectful parenting
  6. Making routines fun
  7. Teaching intrinsic motivation
  8. Solutions for misbehavior
  9. Empowering children with knowledge and practice
  10. Family meetings

Spotlight course

Change your language to change their behavior

Starting at $26 USD
Access for one year

This spotlight course offers specific Positive Discipline tools that focus on the language we use with our children. You can change your child’s behavior and nurture a deeper connection by making a small shift in the language you use. This intentional language gives your child autonomy and invites cooperations, as opposed to imposing your will each time.

  1. Setting your compass: Who do you want your child to be at 25?
  2. Teaching children how to think for themselves
  3. Teaching intrinsic motivation
  4. Empowering children with knowledge and practice

Positive Discipline for Nannies, online certification

Get on the same page as your caregiver. Find mutually respectful solutions to challenges together. Show them that you believe in their professional development. Even better? Take the course together. You can jump into our premium course, How to Grow Remarkable Kids, while they complete the Positive Discipline for Nannies. Gift certificates available!

Download this free Employer Discussion Guide to go along with the nanny certification.

“We believe in respectful relationships with children and with each other. Every interaction is an opportunity.”

– Julietta Skoog, Co-Founder

Science! (is awesome)

Brain Science    Language    Sensory    Social/Emotional

Gross Motor    Fine Motor    Adaptive    Executive Function

Research-backed information curated for the modern parent.

Purchase your parenting course

Premium Course
How to grow remarkable kids

One-time payment

$249 USD

Payment Plan

4 payments
$66 USD

Spotlight Course
Change your language to change their behavior

One-time payment

$97 USD

Payment Plan

4 payments
$26 USD