Positive Discipline Parenting Blog

Sproutable’s Positive Discipline blog for nannies, au pairs and babysitters of children toddler to elementary school.

Real tips. Real talk. Read & grow.

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8 Fun Things to do with an 8 Year Old

I’ve always been drawn towards working with young children, and I simply don’t have as much experience with the older elementary crowd that I do with the littles.  Luckily, because of Positive Discipline, I know[...]

By Danielle Taylor


Teacher Tom’s First Book – a nanny review

As a parent or caregiver, you might not be immediately drawn to a book written by a teacher and about teaching, but it is absolutely relevant and engaging for anyone who has children in their lives.  My copy is highlighted, tabbed, and has post-it notes falling out of it from all the notes I was jotting down & sections I want to remember! 

By Danielle Taylor


Free Professional Development for Nannies

Nannying may be a “work of heart,” but it’s also a legitimate, serious career.  Attending conferences, pursuing higher education, certifications, trainings, and reading the latest in child-development can all make you stand out as a candidate and make you a more confident, competent nanny.  Of course the downside here is that many of these opportunities can break-the-bank, so we’ve compiled a list of free professional development just for nannies! 

By Danielle Taylor


The Power of the Perfect Children’s Book

One of the hardest parts of parenting is helping our young children navigate their emotional roller coasters. Yet big emotions are a necessary part of their development. It helps them communicate when they don’t have the words or the skills to stay regulated, solve problems, face fears, deal with disappointment or frankly navigate all their young brains are learning and processing. It is a lot.

By Julietta Skoog


A Day as a Positive Discipline Nanny

Being a Positive Discipline nanny truly makes my job so much smoother & more enjoyable! I often say that after being trained in Positive Discipline, I feel like I’m playing on easy mode. This is the true story of how I saw Positive Discipline showing up for me and my nanny kiddos on what had the potential to be a pretty awful Monday.

By Danielle Taylor


Teaching kids how to manage anger

One thing I adore about Positive Discipline is how much time and effort is spent on teaching children how to recognize and handle their emotions. It is so powerful to teach that all feelings are valid (though their actions because of those feelings may not be)! What a relief for a child to know that it’s okay to be angry, and that it will pass. Anger doesn’t feel good, but knowing that it’s both normal and temporary sure helps. Here's how to make and use an anger wheel of choice with your nanny kids.

By Danielle Taylor


Overnights with nanny kids

Many nannies, at some point, may be asked if they’re available for overnight care of their nanny charges. This totally makes sense- you’re in the home almost every day, you know the routine and schedule, the children are comfortable with you, and the parents trust you. Of course it’s your choice, but I’ve found that overnights with my nanny kiddos are really fun and leave us feeling extra connected. Here are my tips for overnights with the nanny kids to ensure they end with high fives instead of tears.

By Danielle Taylor


5 summer ideas for nanny kiddos

Summer is fun, exciting, and a wonderful change of pace (especially here in rainy Seattle!), but it also means that the routines we’ve counted on and been polishing all school-year are about to change. For many families, nannies, and kiddos, summer means travel, playdates, and sunshine. How can we as nannies set ourselves, our charges, and our families up for a great summer?

By Danielle Taylor


Raising Good Humans

I just finished reading “Raising Good Humans” by Hunter Clarke-Fields. I’m constantly reading parenting books, and I’d happily recommend “Raising Good Humans” both to nannies and parents who are new to mindful parenting or who want to brush up on Positive Discipline tools and strategies.

By Danielle Taylor


Three Superpowers When Your Nanny Child Isn’t Listening

One of the most common questions I see on nanny and parenting forums is, “What do I do when my kid won’t listen?” We’ve all been there! It’s challenging and can be embarrassing when your nanny charge simply will not listen to what you’re asking them to do, especially because we are professionals. Thanks to Positive Discipline, I have three strategies that consistently work.

By Danielle Taylor


Joyful Courage & Sproutable: one space for all parents & caregivers

We began merging our backgrounds in psychology, early child development, public health, counseling, mindfulness, social emotional learning, social justice, racial equity and Positive Discipline, joining forces to go farther than either of us could do on our own. We used innovation, technology, Alanna’s idea of videos of REAL families, and an online platform to share the helpful, immediately useful and mutually-respectful tools world wide.

By Julietta Skoog
