Revisiting Eps 318: Alternatives to Punishment Part 1

Episode 318

This week’s show is a solo show- the first of 6 in a series where Casey will dive deep into alternatives to punishment.

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Takeaways from the show
  • Casey’s why to alternatives to punishment
  • Putting relationship as a priority
  • Supporting teens as they find their identity
  • Adolescent narcissism
  • Behavior behind belonging and significance
  • Slide into the passenger seat
  • Teenage autonomy
  • Trust your teens will learn through their experiences
  • Natural consequences
  • Focusing on growing your kid’s life skills
  • Learning from mistakes

Long-Term Parenting Questions

  1. How do I help my teen become capable?
  2. How do I get into my teen’s world and support them in their developmental process?
  3. How do I help my teen feel belonging and significance?
  4. How do I help my teen learn social and life skills such as problem solving and the ability to identify feelings and communicate about those feelings in words?
  5. How do I begin to honor that my teen has different ideas about what is best for her/him?
  6. How can my teen and I use this problem as an opportunity to learn from our mistakes? How can we learn and try again instead of giving up when we make mistakes?

Today, Joyful Courage is about the willingness to use my skills, even when my reactive self wants to blame or shame. It’s about taking the high road, because that is a road that leads to the best possible outcome for me AND the people in my life.

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